Police Violence
We’re All Tired – Protests Against State Violence Go Worldwide
Demonstrations linking Ferguson to Ayotzinapa indicate an increasing connection on the ground between issues that so often seem disparate.
The Killing of Tamir Rice: Cleveland Police Criticized for Shooting 12-Year-Old Holding Toy Gun
More than 100 people packed a church in Cleveland, Ohio, for the memorial service of Tamir Rice.
Did the NYPD Let Eric Garner Die? Video Shows Police Ignored Pleas to Help Him After Chokehold
A second video shows what happened after Eric Garner last gasped, “I can't breathe.”
A Racist and Unjust System? A Discussion on Policing in Wake of Michael Brown and Eric Garner Deaths
A panel of guests discuss policing and race nationwide.
Police “Reforms” You Should Always Oppose
Ultimately, the only way that we will address oppressive policing is to abolish the police.
William Rivers Pitt | Trying to Breathe in These “Post-Racial” United States
We all like to believe in the concept of progress, but Michael Brown and Eric Garner are dead today with no consequences.
Portland Photo Distracts From the Real Problems of Race
People of goodwill cannot alone overcome the structural violence of racism.
Vince Warren on How Police Officers Get Away With Killing From Ferguson to NYC
A New York grand jury cleared New York City police officer Daniel Pantaleo for the killing of Eric Garner, who died after being placed in a chokehold.
Stop Police Officers From Killing Our Children
I'll never get my son back, but if I raise my voice along with the voices of other mothers who have experienced unbearable loss, perhaps we'll be able to …