Police Violence
Smearing Three Dead Teenagers
Three Black teenagers are dead in Florida — and the authorities are trying to blame them for their own deaths.
Before and After Sandra Bland: Andrea Ritchie on Black Women’s Experiences With Police Violence
Black women have been rendered invisible in discussions about state-sanctioned violence.
Reliving the Trauma of Police Violence in Pursuit of Sacred Justice
Sharing stories of police violence can retraumatize. Family members of those killed should not have to bear this burden alone.
The Politicization of Black Deaths on the Campaign Trail
The bodies of Black people taken away by state violence have increasingly become politicized by those seeking state power.
Can Young Black Organizers Bring Down Chicago’s Top Prosecutor?
The Cook County state's attorney race in Illinois could have major implications for Black-led, anti-police violence movements.
Black Struggle Is Not a Sound Bite: Why I Refused to Meet With President Obama
As a radical, Black organizer, I do not feel that a handshake with the president is the best way for me to honor Black lives.
Why Are Black Girls and Women Dying in Police Custody?
Gynna McMillen, 16, is one of a growing number of Black women and girls who have died in police custody.
Clinton, Sanders and O’Malley Address Police Violence and White Privilege at Brown and Black Forum
The Iowa Brown & Black Forum took place as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are deadlocked in Iowa and New Hampshire polls.
Minneapolis Activists Continue Fight Against Systemic Racism and Police Violence
The city and local protesters have become a focal point in the national racial justice movement.
Doubling Down on Force With Tasers Makes Police Problems Worse
The national trend of sanctioning the increased use of police Tasers ignores the underlying problems with using force.