Police Violence
Slow Death: Is the Trauma of Police Violence Killing Black Women?
Recognizing black women who suffer the trauma of police violence as victims of this violence factors gender into our analyses in important ways.
Henry A. Giroux | White Supremacy and Sanctioned Violence in the Age of Donald Trump
Trump's ideology of fear and violence must be countered with a collective movement for real justice and democracy.
Federal “Blue Lives Matter” Legislation Picks Up Steam, Advances Myth That Cops Are Under Threat
The Blue Lives Matter Act and its sister laws are contrary to statistical evidence.
Coercive Mental Health Legislation Threatens Rights of People With Disabilities
The Murphy Bill uses people with mental illnesses as scapegoats for gun violence while threatening civil liberties.
Fourteen Movies That Illustrate Problem With Law Enforcement
Polarized media representations of police brutality undermines honest conversation about systemic bias.
Pastor on Tamir Rice Shooting: Ohio Is an Open-Carry State Except if You’re an African-American Male
Rev. Dr. Jawanza Karriem Colvin, the pastor of the Olivet Institutional Baptist Church, speaks about city officials and activists responded to the killing.
RNC Protesters “Wall Off Trump” and Confront Police Violence
Protesters erected a “wall” with banners outside the RNC, and kept systemic police violence in the spotlight even as a sea of police flooded the streets around them.
Henry A. Giroux on Violence, Neoliberalism and the Hallucinatory Anti-Politics of the Trump Era
Cultural critic Henry Giroux explains how violence seeped from the United States' background into the foreground of our psychology.
Why We Dream About a World Without Police
I, like other authors in this book, take the position that the existence of the police force in this country is unnecessary.
I Don’t Know Much, but I Know Why Black Lives Matter
Not even the best-intentioned white person cannot understand being Black in the US.