Minimum Wage

Sanders Is Calling Out Centrists on “Simple Moral Issue” of Minimum Wage
In a recent meeting, Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema reiterated opposition to Sen. Bernie Sanders’s wage bill.

$1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Plan Opens New Horizons in Fight Against Austerity
Missed opportunities aside, Biden’s relief plan is a win against austerity that will cut child poverty by 40 percent.

Bernie Sanders Says He Won’t Stop Fighting for $15 Wage Until It’s Passed
Eight Democratic senators voted against the proposal last week, drawing ire from progressives.

Hiking the Minimum Wage to $15 Is Key — But It’s Hardly a Living Wage
Economist Robert Pollin says a $15 federal minimum wage is an essential but limited step toward decent wage standards.

Eight Democrats Joined GOP to Vote Down Sanders’s $15 Minimum Wage Amendment
Sen. Bernie Sanders's effort to reattach a $15 minimum wage provision to the Senate COVID relief package failed Friday.

Rev. William Barber to Democrats: “Stick Together” and Pass the $15 Minimum Wage
An estimated 140 million people in the U.S. were already living in poverty before this pandemic.

Sanders Is Making Excellent Use of His Power as Budget Committee Chair
After decades shouting truth in the wilderness of U.S. politics, Sanders is making the most of his chance.

Bernie Sanders to Force Vote on $15 Minimum Wage Amendment
The senator made clear that he will continue pushing to raise the federal minimum wage if his amendment fails to pass.

The $15 Minimum Wage Isn’t Dead. Here’s How Democrats Can Still Get It Done.
When the Senate parliamentarian ruled against GOP tax cuts in 2001, Republicans fired him and passed the cuts anyway.

Sanders Blasts Parliamentarian’s Ruling Dropping Wage Hike From COVID Bill
Sanders lambasted Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough’s decision that the wage raise was against the rules.