Minimum Wage

After a Decade of Activism, $15 Wage Becoming New Average in Some Industries
While the new benchmark is a win for the Fight for $15, it's still far short of a living wage say activists.

Poor People’s Campaign Embarks on 27-Mile “March for Democracy” in Texas
The four-day march to Austin demands that Senate Democrats take action against the GOP's assault on voting rights.

Biden’s Plan to Address Wildfire Season Includes Pay Increases for Firefighters
More wildfires were detected this past month than in any other June over the past decade.

Restaurant Workers Say They Won’t Return to Work Without a Living Wage
Food service workers have called a national wage strike this week to draw attention to the industry’s poverty wages.

McDonald’s “Wage Increase” Won’t Affect 95 Percent of Its Franchise Employees
The company is bragging about small wage raises at only 5 percent of its locations ahead of a planned strike next week.

Progressives to Corporations: If You Want to Keep Workers, Pay Living Wages
Corporations fault unemployment benefits for labor shortages, but critics argue “starvation wages” are to blame.

No Worker Shortage: Report Finds Low Wages Make Food Workers Want to Quit
Food worker scarcity “is not a labor shortage problem; it’s a wage shortage problem,” said the head of One Fair Wage.

Biden to Sign Executive Order Raising Federal Workers’ Wages to $15 an Hour
The raise will go into effect for federal employees in 2022. Tipped contractors will see a $15 minimum by 2024.

Kyrsten Sinema Exploring Federal Minimum Wage of $11, Lower Than Her Own State’s
Sinema is looking into raising the federal minimum wage to $11 an hour, but the minimum wage in her state is $12.15.

Minimum Wage Would Be $44 If It Grew as Much as Wall Street Bonuses Since 1985
Since 1985, the average Wall Street bonus has increased 1,217 percent.