Minimum Wage
Warren, Sanders Slam Restaurant Lobby For Making Workers Fund Anti-Worker Battle
A report recently revealed the industry is forcing workers to pay for classes that fund lobbying efforts against them.
Sanders Calls for Minimum Wage to Be Raised to at Least $17 an Hour
Because of inflation, fighting for a $15 an hour minimum wage is no longer enough, Sanders said.
Inequality-Fighting Ballot Initiatives Won Big in the Midterms
Voters approved proposals to tax the rich, build worker power, and make housing and education more affordable.
DC Voters Overwhelmingly Pass Measure to End Tipped Minimum Wage
If it is not repealed, the measure will raise the minimum wage for tipped workers from $5.35 to $16.10 an hour.
Poverty Is at Emergency Levels in the US. Why Isn’t It a Midterm Election Issue?
Issues like raising the minimum wage and expanding health care should be front and center.
Sanders’s Midterm Advice to Democrats: Have the “Guts” to Lead on the Economy
It is key for Democrats to make it clear where they stand on issues like unions and minimum wage, he said.
Ron Johnson Suggests That Federal Minimum Wage Should Be Eliminated
Eliminating the federal minimum wage would likely have disastrous consequences for workers.
Newsom Signs Bill Creating Fast Food Council With Power to Raise Minimum Wage
The law “gives hardworking fast-food workers a stronger voice and seat at the table,” Governor Newsom said.
Subminimum Wages Were Always Deplorable. Inflation Is Making Them Worse.
Activists are pushing to end policies that allow employers to pay some workers less than the $7.25 federal minimum wage.
Federal Minimum Wage Hasn’t Been Raised in 13 Years
Progressives are urging Democrats to raise the pay floor as inflation continues to diminish workers' purchasing power.