Minimum Wage

The US Has Lowest Minimum Wage and Most Young People Without Jobs Among Wealthiest Countries
Over 100 economists sign petition to raise the minimum wage.

Taming Capitalism Run Wild
Economist Richard Wolff talks about battling rampant capitalism and fighting for economic justice.

Is $15 an Hour a Fair Wage for Serving Fast Food?
Fast food workers in other countries earn the equivalent of $15 an hour and enjoy benefits, yet hamburgers cost no more.

Fast-Food Strikes Fight the Slide into Junk Wages — For All of Us
While the odds are stacked against fast-food workers in this country their protest opens the conversation about raising the minimum wage.

The Minimum Wage Doesn’t Apply to Everyone
Millions of working Americans make less than minimum wage. In fact, more Americans are exempt from it than actually earn it.

McDonalds Tells Workers to Toil 70 Hours a Week, Use Ripoff Payroll Cards as Part of “Financial Literacy“
The use of math, one imagines, is intended to make the advice seem objective rather than cynical and self-serving.

Mr. President, Have Pity on the Working Man
Tax payers' dollars are being wasted on a job creation program that only works to widen the gap of inequality.

Tensions Rise as Walmart Refuses to Pay “Living Wage“
As Walmart threatens to take its revenue out of the District, citizens organize to show politicians they serious about raising the minimum wage.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Had a Closed-Door Meeting With the Entire Senate Last Night, and More
In today's On the News segment: After weeks of threatening filibuster reform, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had a closed-door meeting with the entire Senate last night.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republican Sequester Wreaks Havoc on Our Economy, and More
Yesterday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced a huge revision to previous estimates of economic growth.