Minimum Wage

Fast-Food Giants Make Billions While Their Workers Use Billions in Welfare Benefits
Two new studies profile the worst employers in America.

The Real Values War
The Republican controlled House of Representatives have voted on the Farm Bill; part of which includes a $39 billion cut in the food stamp program.

Federal Contractors Employ More Low-Wage Workers Than Walmart and McDonald’s Combined, While Paying Top Execs. $24 Billion
Workers and legislators demand President Obama sign an executive order raising the minimum wage for federal contractor employees.

We’re Not Lovin’ It
Fast-food and retail workers are showing they've got the guts to try something new, and if the past year is sign of things to come, one of these days …

The F Word: Domestic Workers Aren’t Members of the Family
The Obama administration announced it will finally extend minimum wage and overtime protections to domestic workers, a change labor and community groups have pushed for.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Fast-Food Restaurant in Michigan Proves It Is Possible to Pay a Living Wage, and More
In today's On the News segment: Diplomacy works; the Kansas state legislature says they're orchestrating a campaign against child poverty; in Wisconsin, the state's Libertarian Party is joining forces …

Ladydrawers: Let’s Go Shopping
Ladydrawers' second look at the global garment trade begins where the production line should end: at H&M, Zara, Forever 21, and other fast-fashion retail stores.

Before the Battles Resume in Washington: A Reminder about What’s Really at Stake
Congress will reconvene shortly. That means more battles over taxes and spending, regulations and safety nets, and how to get the economy out of first gear. Which means more …

Striking “For Our Dignity,” US Fast Food Workers Walk Off
Thousands of fast food and low-wage workers in approximately 50 US cities are walking off the job today.

The Offline Wage Wars of Silicon Valley
Nona Willis Aronowitz explores the people and policies shaping the economic future of a San Jose that many cities in the Bay Area could look to as a model …