Minimum Wage
An Apartheid of Dollars: Life in the New American Minimum-Wage Economy
Peter Van Buren took an unlikely fall into the minimum-wage world when he lost his job in 2012. He gives us a first-hand look at what it's like to …
Thinking Big: The Global Minimum Wage
Let's finally get globalization to work for people and begin - perhaps with anti-sweatshop campaigns - to organize for a global minimum wage.
A Living Minimum Wage
A living wage must mean a minimum wage that rises to meet the higher living standards of each new generation to be a living threshold, not a dead hand …
Dean Baker | Economic Policy in a Post-Piketty World
If we want to counter the rise in inequality that we have seen in recent decades we are going to have to find mechanisms other than a "global wealth …
Boosting the Minimum Wage to $10.10 an Hour Should Be a No-Brainer
Public support for a minimum wage hike is overwhelming, but lobbying by powerful corporations is tripping it up in Congress.
All Work and No Pay
This week, Bill speaks with Saru Jayaraman, co-founder of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, about the group's fight for better wages and working conditions for America's 10 million restaurant …
Waving Free-Market Flag Brings Out Worst In Capitalism
We should be thinking outside of the box of capitalism — in particular, supporting the emerging solidarity economy.
Economists Hit Back in the Minimum-Wage Wars
Funded by the restaurant industry, a conservative foundation and unnamed others, the group has taken out full-page ads warning the public that increasing the minimum wage would worsen unemployment …
The Desperation of the Vanishing Middle Class
The underlying problem with financial advice is that, even in the best case, it rarely works.
The Fight for $15 Finally Comes to Portland
Portland's awkward silence on $15 was finally broken when Portland activist-professor Nicholas Caleb recently announced his candidacy for city council, his top platform plank being the $15 minimum wage..