
AARP Experts: Entitlements Critical for Nation’s Aging Majority Minority
When Gerri Goncalves regained her strength after her heart attack some years ago, she began volunteering for AARPu2019s advocacy efforts in Sacramento, Californiau2019s capital, to help other seniors stand …

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Lisa and Me: Birthdays and Republican-Style Medicare
Unless the pre-existing condition nightmare is clearly and permanently eliminated from all health care situations, all of our health care will suffer.

Four Ways Romney and Ryan Would Roll Back the 20th Century
As Paul Ryan's budget plan threatens to drastically reduce public services, this election will decide the future of our welfare state

Reforming Welfare and Gutting the Poor: A Bipartisan Platform
This punitive approach to poverty has driven poor mothers of color further to the margins of the economy, making them even more politically invisible.

Paul Ryan’s Magic Asterisks
Mr. Ryan basically proposes three big things: slashing Medicaid, cutting taxes on corporations and high-income people, and replacing Medicare with a drastically less well funded voucher system.

The Great Medicare Switcheroo
The RNC in Tampa asserts the GOP as the party of Medicare. Its possible that someone might want to check their history on that one.

Social Security and Medicare on the Chopping Block
Despite the many expressed fears that the Apocalypse awaits us and the alarmist predictions that we are about to go over the proverbial cliff when it comes to funding …

Ignore the Deficit Hawks: Social Security Is Easy to Fix
On the 77th anniversary of Social Security, we're celebrating what has made the program so important and why it remains vital today. Jeff Madrick explains why Social Security's so-called …

Mitt Romney’s Southern Strategy Gambit
On August 3, 1980 GOP Presidential contender Ronald Reagan picked his campaign starting point at the Neshoba County Fair, near Meridian Mississippi. The virtually lily-white, wildly enthusiastic throng that …