Internal Documents Show Amazon Knows Its Drivers Urinate, Defecate in Trucks
Amazon said its drivers were lying about urinating in bottles on shift, but documents show it is aware of the practice.
Danny Glover Joins Amazon Organizers on the Ground in Lead-Up to Union Vote
If workers successfully unionize, it could set off a wave of union drives at Amazon facilities across the country.
Biden Labor Board Strikes Barrier to Unionization of 1.5 Million Grad Students
Organizers are hoping that the withdrawal of a Trump-era rule rejuvenates unionization efforts among graduate students.
Supreme Court Case on Farmworker Protections Could End Up Harming All Regulation
A legion of well-funded right-wing think tanks is leading the charge to dismantle these protections.
Amazon Is Hiring Aggressive Firms to Bust Union Efforts
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos declined Bernie Sanders’s invitation to a Senate Budget Committee hearing on inequality today.
“Just” Transitions Are Possible, But They Require State Investment
A national strategy that weaves local initiatives into a more inclusive economy will bring solutions that workers want.
Spain Plans to Begin Experimenting With a Four-Day Workweek
Employees would work 32 hours per week, with no reduction in pay.
New Federal and State Programs Set to Address Broadband Inequality
At least 21 million Americans lack access to high-speed internet, with some estimates doubling that number.
The House Just Passed the Most Sweeping Labor Legislation of This Generation
The filibuster stands in the way of the law that makes it easier for unions to form and exist.
Amazon Is Paying Consultants Nearly $10,000 a Day to Obstruct Union Drive
As workers in Alabama organize, the company’s tactics underscore the need for the Protecting the Right to Organize Act.