Kevin McCarthy

Republicans Are Threatening to Oust McCarthy as Speaker Over Debt Ceiling Deal
If Democrats were uniformly in opposition, the vote would fail with the number of Republicans against the package.

Biden-GOP Debt Ceiling Deal Slashes Assistance Programs and Protects the Wealthy
The deal will impose new work requirements on benefits recipients while protecting the spiraling pentagon budget.

GOP Lawmakers Auction McCarthy’s Chapstick for $100K During Debt Crisis Meeting
The money raised will go toward funding the GOP lawmakers' own future campaigns, Politico reported.

Progressives Slam House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries’s Debt Ceiling Comments
Jeffries said discussing a federal spending freeze — a real-term cut when adjusted for inflation — is reasonable.

The GOP Would Rather Hold Hungry Families Hostage Than Tax the Wealthy
The GOP, unable to destroy the social safety net through normal legislative processes, has turned to blackmail.

GOP Tax Cut Plan Would Add $3.5T to Deficit, Congressional Budget Office Finds
If the GOP got its way, trillions would be transferred from the public straight into the pockets of the rich.

McCarthy Pushes More Work Requirements for Medicaid and SNAP in Debt Talks
Biden could invoke the 14th Amendment to resolve the crisis over the debt ceiling for now, argues Robert Kuttner.

Sanders Hosts Event Commemorating Palestinian Nakba After McCarthy Kicked It Out
“Let the headlines read ‘McCarthy tries to erase Palestine but fails,’” wrote Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Senator Whitehouse: 275 of 315 Pages of GOP Debt Limit Bill Are Big Oil Favors
The proposal contains the entirety of Republicans’ H.R. 1, a major pro-fossil fuel package.

Sanders Calls on Biden to Fight for Working People in Debt Ceiling Battle
“We have already too much inequality in America,” said Sanders. “Let's not make it worse.”