Joe Biden
Biden Campaign Admits Plagiarizing Part of Climate Plan From Fossil Fuel Groups
Sections of Biden's plan echoed claims from the coal industry about carbon capture and sequestration.
10 Democratic Candidates Support Fracking Ban. Biden Stays Mum.
Joe Biden released his climate plan on Tuesday, but it says nothing about fracking.
Sanders Says With Future of Planet at Stake, There’s #NoMiddleGround
“We cannot go back to the old ways, we have got to go forward with a new and progressive agenda,” Senator Sanders said.
Will Democratic Party Elites Dictate Its Primaries Again?
The Democratic elite will fight any real threat to their status quo, as they did in the 2016 primaries and caucuses.
Biden’s Climate Policy Sounds a Lot Like Obama’s
Biden's “middle road” climate approach may appeal to swing voters, but it's not enough to save the planet.
Biden Pledged Not to Take Special Interest Money, But Not His PAC
Biden has quietly taken in more than $30,000 from corporate interests through his own political action committee.
Biden Spends $1.4 Million on Digital Ads in Less Than Two Weeks
Facebook, Google and Twitter’s political ad databases provide a glimpse into the growing role of digital advertising.
Biden Says Trump Is an “Aberration” From the GOP. He’s Wrong.
Democrats need to stop cozying up to the Republican Party if anything is going to change.
Let’s Not Rewrite History to Defend Joe Biden’s Record of Dog-Whistle Politics
Invoking “different times” as a defense of candidates who promoted racist or bigoted policies should be challenged.
Nancy Pelosi’s “Winning” Strategy Is to Appease Centrists
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tells The New York Times that the way to beat Trump is to be more friendly to “centrists.”