Joe Biden
Facebook Is Still Facilitating the Dissemination of Deadly Disinformation
Facebook’s tools have allowed Trump’s bogus and dangerous claims of election impropriety and voter fraud to go viral.
“Better Than Trump” Is Not Enough. We Need More From Biden on LGBTQ Policy.
Biden promises a return to Obama-era policy on LGBTQ issues — but even if he follows through, that is not enough.
Under Biden, We’ll Still Need to Protect Social Security
While Biden’s Social Security proposals are encouraging, his potential centrist cabinet picks are cause for concern.
Pennsylvania Judge Grants GOP Request to Halt Certification of Election Results
GOP litigants in the case argued that changes to the state's absentee ballot law made last year were unconstitutional.
Fauci Says He’d “Absolutely” Join a Biden COVID Task Force
The infectious diseases expert is widely regarded as trustworthy on coronavirus by the American people.
Trump Tweets Bogus Poll Backing His Refusal to Concede
The latest numbers show a decisive win for Biden, with more than 80 million voters picking him to be the next president.
Noam Chomsky: Trump Has Revealed the Extreme Fragility of American Democracy
Trump’s failed coup may look weak, but his refusal to concede could fuel a vile strategy to come roaring back in 2024.
In Bizarre 1-Minute Press Briefing, Trump Takes Credit for Stock Market Gains
Wall Street is not a reliable indicator of the economy and millions are going hungry without relief during the pandemic.
Trump Lost the Election, But He Is Still Doing Terrible Damage
Could a more competent authoritarian have done a better job at this? Probably.
Trump Is Trying to Set Yellen and Biden Up to Fail as He Sabotages the Economy
Trump, with the consent of the GOP, is trying to sabotage Biden’s chances at a recovery every way he can.