New Postmaster General’s Focus on Modernization Likely Means Job Losses at USPS
Postal workers should be alarmed at Louis DeJoy's 35 years’ experience in “labor analytics.”
COVID-19 Exposes the Delicate Economic Balance We All Live in Under Capitalism
This pandemic makes it clear that under capitalism, the worker is not that far removed from the pauper.
Coronavirus Hits March Employment Numbers Hard — 701,000 Jobs Lost
Most sectors took a big hit in employment. Most concerning is a loss of 42,500 jobs in health care.
Medicare for All Would Transform the Labor Market for the Better
Policymakers can implement universal health care in a way that prevents long-term job losses while creating “good” jobs.
Last Pre-Coronavirus Jobs Report Shows Strong Job Growth, Weak Wage Growth
Wage growth slowed further in February to just 3 percent over the last year.
What Happened to the Keynesian Dream of a 15-Hour Workweek?
Why are we still 40-hour work week drones?
It’s Time to Shorten the American Workweek
A shorter workweek requires a radical reimagining of how we conceive of work.
Trump Wants to Funnel More Income Upward Through His China Trade Deal
Trump's trade deal with China is good for people like Bill Gates and companies like Boeing, but not for the rest of us.
A New War Will Not Produce Even Short-Term Economic Benefits
Economics is never a justification for war.
Trump Administration’s Proposed Rule Attempts to Starve Out Asylum Seekers
A new rule seeks to deny asylum seekers the right to work and feed themselves while their cases are pending.