The Challenges of Liberalism
It is those in power who get to determine the elasticity or rigidity of liberalism.
Eleven Black Caucus Members Opt Out of Netanyahu’s Speech
“To the people who could still cancel Netanyahu's speech, I want to say: really?”
What Was Netanyahu Thinking? Criticism Swirls Over Pre-Election Speech to US Congress on Iran
Controversy is mounting over Netanyahu's address.
US Deports Professor Sami Al-Arian for Criticizing Israel and Backing Palestinian Rights
Sami Al-Arian was targeted because he emerged as one of the most prominent and effective advocates for Palestinian rights that US officials had ever faced.
Israeli Consul: Supporters of Netanyahu’s Speech Want to Humiliate President Obama
Representatives are circulating a letter calling for Netanyahu's speech to be postponed.
Talking Peace From Tehran to Ferguson: An Exhortation
What's behind the threat of war on Iran and what do we need to do to stop it?
Netanyahu’s Speech and the Politics of Iran Policy
Netanyahu's approaching speech to Congress is a reflection of the increasingly open interference in US politics by Israel.
Rep. Keith Ellison: Postpone Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress
Call your representative and urge him or her to sign the Ellison letter calling to postpone Netanyahu's speech.
Seeking Accountability: Palestine’s Recourse to the ICC
Palestine's application to the International Criminal Court is a welcome step toward holding Israel accountable.
Gaza in Arizona: How Israeli High-Tech Firms Will Up-Armor the US-Mexican Border
Both Israel-Palestine and Arizona share a focus on keeping out “those deemed permanent outsiders.”