It’s the Oil, Stupid! Insurgency and War on a Sea of Oil
Events in Iraq are headline news everywhere, and once again, there is no mention of the issue that underlies much of the violence: control of Iraqi oil.
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“Baghdad Is a Frightened City”: As ISIS Gains Ground, Iraqi Capital Gripped by Fear and Uncertainty
Secretary of State John Kerry made a surprise trip to Baghdad today to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
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Iraq’s Next PM? Ahmed Chalabi, Chief Peddler of False WMDs, Meets US Officials as Maliki Falters
Pressure is mounting on Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to form a less sectarian government or to resign.
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Iraqis Are Not “Abstractions“
As our policymakers plan next steps in Iraq, let us do all we can to prevent the Iraqi people from remaining “something of an abstraction.”
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Sectarian Monster Reawakened: Redrawing the Map of Iraq, Again
“Labeiki ya Zaynab,” chanted Iraqi Shia fighters as they swayed, dancing with their rifles before TV news cameras in Baghdad on June 13. They were apparently getting ready for …
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Accountability for the War in Iraq
The current level of violence in Iraq has a single root: the destabilizing act in 2003 of illegally invading and then occupying Iraq ordered by the George W. Bush …
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William Rivers Pitt | They Belong in Prison, Not on TV
"I spent the first decade of the 21st century dealing with these blood-sodden bastards from the Bush administration. Now, it appears, I will spend a chunk of a second …
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The President Has No Mandate to Bomb Iraq or Syria
At this writing, President Obama has neither the legal nor the political mandate to conduct airstrikes in Iraq or Syria.
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Will Iraq or Syria Survive? UN Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi on Sectarian War and the Disastrous 2003 Invasion
“The biggest mistake was to invade Iraq,” said former UN-Arab League special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi.
Who Won Iraq? Lost Dreams, Lost Armies, Jihadi States and the Arc of Instability
As Iraq was unraveling last week, the possible outlines of the first jihadist state in modern history came into view.