This is a national event, for in making this decision, Seattle is showing all of us how to take steps toward renewing our nation and remaking it in a …
We might pause to consider the nearly lost tale of Columbus' first landing on what is now United States soil and how it began a conflict that continues in …
Many indigenous and peasant organizations have pointed out that Mexico's energy reform is irreconcilable with the rights of the nation's indigenous peoples and small farmers.
There is a specific message for peoples of the Americas that have been de-Indigenized, disconnected and severed from their traditions, languages and stories.
Indigenous people have lived in a sustainable way for centuries and passed their knowledge from generation to generation, feeding their people without damaging the natural environment.
The Mexican constitution defines indigenous people as the descendants of the populations that inhabited the area before the state was formed and who preserve their ancestral cultural or economic …
Hiparidi Top'Tiro Xavante says indigenous peoples of the Amazon are uniting to defend their way of life and protect the biodiversity of the “lungs of the world.”