Indigenous Peoples
Australia’s “Stolen Generations” Not a Closed Chapter
Protests, round-tables, marches and sit-ins have taken place across Australia and an international solidarity network is growing rapidly.
Why Tribal Peoples Are the Best Conservationists
For Environment Day on June 5, we showcase tribal peoples' extraordinary conservation skills and intimate knowledge of their environments.
Transcontinental Railway Threatens Indigenous Communities in Brazil and Peru
Uncontacted tribes, the most vulnerable societies on the planet, would face devastation from invasions into their lands.
The Artifacts of Genocide
France has once again failed to stop an auction of sacred Hopi artifacts by a Paris auction house, which amounts to complicity to cultural genocide.
Defending Life in Ecuadorian Resource Politics
Efforts to secure water rights and resist extractivism united campesino and indigenous organizers.
“Cultural Genocide”: Landmark Report Decries Canada’s Forced Schooling of Indigenous Children
More than 150,000 indigenous children were sent away to rid them of their native cultures.
Celebrating Real Heroes Like the One We’ve Just Lost
Stolen at age 7, Kwementyaye Randall was among many Indigenous facing lies and distortions from Australian authorities.
Abandoned Uranium Mines Plague Navajo Nation
Mining companies left behind a legacy of poisoned wells.
Transnational Companies Driving Deadly Conflict in Guatemalan Indigenous Territory
The communities have come to view the energy projects as yet another invasion of their territory.
The Corruption of Keystone: Congressional Permits to Drill Don’t Change Public Opinion
The US public's opposition to the pipeline is going to keep costing TransCanada.