Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Youth Are Building a Climate Justice Movement by Targeting Colonialism
The work of these Indigenous young people demands a critical evaluation of the construction of the climate justice movement.
Why We Need Intersectionality to Understand Climate Change
When our system treats a large sector of society that holds 65% of the Earth's land area as Outside-Outsiders, it is the system that must change.
Regaining Access to Sacred Lands
The NPS's efforts to help tribes access sacred sites within national parks is a work in progress.
Yes, Native Americans Were the Victims of Genocide
US policies related to Indigenous peoples, though often termed “racist,” are rarely depicted as what they are.
A Zoo Story: From Harambe to Human Bondage
Public discourse around the death of an endangered gorilla ignores structural issues of race and dehumanization.
Environmentalists, First Nations Vow Summer of Action Against Trans Mountain Pipeline
Canadian regulators' OK of the tar sands pipeline expansion draws flack from activists.
Will Canada Recognize Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Poor Countries?
It's not clear whether the rights of Indigenous people harmed by Canadian mining companies will be included.
Stop Australia From Committing “Cultural Genocide” and Environmental Injustice
Australia is on the path to repeating the United States' past mistakes and environmental injustices.
Decolonizing Identity: US Latinos Rediscover Native Roots
Indigenous groups from South of the US constructed border are joining with Natives of the North to challenge colonialism.
Celebrating Indigenous Resistance: An Essay for Earth Day
The conservation movement cannot succeed without recognizing and respecting sacred places, traditional ecological knowledge and indigenous rights.