
Key White House Aide Pushes Government Toward Shutdown, Barring Approval of Anti-Immigrant Policy
Mick Mulvaney is asking GOP legislators to support an anti-immigration provision on a bill required to keep the government funded by the end of the month.

Under Activist Pressure, Portland Agrees to End All Corporate Investments
The decision was a victory for activists organized along intersectional lines.

Fighting Criminalization in All Its Forms, Powerful Coalition Builds Toward May Day
Momentum for May Day is building as immigration activists meet with Black, Arab, Muslim and LGBTQ groups.

Feds, States Target Southern “Sanctuary Cities,” Leaving Local Officials in a Bind
Nationwide, 29 states are considering policies prohibiting local measures to limit federal immigration enforcement in 2017.

The Sanctuary Movement Was Reignited Under Obama and It’s Growing Under Trump
Sanctuary is much more than just buildings, it's support from community, say refuge-seekers who've been helped.

Making May Day a Day for Solidarity
This May Day is an opportunity to stand up for immigrant rights and deepen the connections of all the movements resisting Trump.

Fear Spreads in Immigrant Communities
Pablo Alvarado, executive director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, discusses his work in the first months of the Trump presidency and beyond.

Economic Update: Capitalism in Trouble
This week's discusses major troubles such as Brexit and Trump, the student debt penalty and much more.

“Trauma on Trauma”: For Refugee Children, the Journey Is Just the Beginning
Confinement in immigrant family jails traumatizes refugee children fleeing violence.

A Climate of Hate: How Border Militarization Is Getting Deadlier
Border communities have already witnessed growing technologies and weaponry, border agents and buildup over the last 20 years.