
Refugee Writers Ariel Dorfman and Viet Thanh Nguyen on Migration, US Wars and Resistance
Ariel Dorfman and Viet Thanh Nguyen discuss more.

Under Trump, ICE Plans to Rip More Children Away From Parents
ICE officials are now pressing DHS to begin detaining and prosecuting all parents caught with children.

A Year Later, Fewer Deportations in Cities That Adopted “Welcoming” Policies
Residents are safer in places that do not collaborate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement tactics.

As New Border Wall Breaks Ground, Environmental and Immigrant Advocates Push Back
Trump's wall is destroying landscapes and lives.

How Trump’s Immigration Policies Harm Children
The Trump administration has attacked immigrant communities from day one.

Democracy Means Everyone Counts: Why the Citizenship Question on the Census Should Concern Everyone
An interview with Karen Hobert Flynn on the Census and citizenship.

Sending Troops to the Border Will Cause More Migrant Deaths
Many people living in the borderlands believe the action escalates an already-weaponized war zone.

Trump Attempts to Win Back Ann Coulter With Vicious Attacks on Immigrants
Trump's base is angry that he totally caved on funding the wall. Instead of flowers, he's sending soldiers.

Caravan of Central American Migrants Holds a Mirror to Cruel US Immigration Policy and Imperialism
Arturo Vizcarra, a volunteer with People Without Borders, discusses more.

Stand Up, Fight Back: The Rising Militancy of the Immigrant Rights Movement
Activism for immigrant rights may be about to get much more militant.Some 1.1 million undocumented people -- beneficiaries of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Temporary Protected Status …