
Corporate Media Ignore Their Role in Trump’s Refugee “Invasion” Panic
Cable news and mainstream newspapers allowed Trump’s fear-mongering to drive coverage of an imaginary migrant crisis.

Federal Judge Blocks Asylum Ban, Saying President Can’t Rewrite Immigration Law
Baher Azmy, one of the lawyers who sued Trump over the ban, discusses more.

Progressives, Please Don’t Defend Broken Promises on Immigration
We must push for real immigration reform, not incremental reductions in cruelty for Central American asylum seekers.

There’d Be No Crisis at the Border Without Trump’s Troops
Nearly 6,000 troops are stationed in Texas, California and Arizona following Trump’s escalating attacks on migrants.

Alien Invasion
They're coming!

US Citizen Children of Migrants Already Suffer Under Immigration Law
Even without Trump's birthright executive order, the threat of losing parents to deportation is a constant fear.

US Must Take Responsibility for Asylum Seekers and Their History
People familiar with US policies toward Central America recognize that the migrants are our responsibility.

Under Trump, ICE Is Targeting Political Dissidents Like Me
We have filed a lawsuit against ICE to signal that we won't be bullied out of our First Amendment right.

Trump and the GOP Reach New Racist Lows, But Democrats Won’t Stop Them
Leading up to the midterms, Democrats have been running away from the issue of immigration in any form.

White Nationalist Links, Voter Suppression Define Kris Kobach’s Career
Kobach has been the perfect white nationalist Trojan horse in GOP-controlled parts of the country.