
The Government Relies on False “Evidence” Against Migrants
Border agents are falsely accusing immigrants of being gang members.

Trump Keeps Cracking Down on Legal Immigration Because His Base Loves Cruelty
It's inhumane and damaging -- but that's the point.

Trump Finalizes Rule to Punish Immigrants for Using Public Benefits
The new rule could force low-income immigrants to choose between vital assistance and permanent residency.

ICE Arrests 680 in Mississippi, Leaving Children Without Their Parents
The ICE raids were described as “the largest single-state workplace enforcement action in U.S. history.”

Facial Recognition Technology Is Aiding ICE in Sanctuary Cities
Unregulated data gathering and sharing is helping ICE monitor undocumented people in violation of sanctuary policies.

El Paso Blood Is on the Hands of Everyone Who Has Scapegoated Migrants
The slaughter of more than 20 people on Saturday was the horrifyingly predictable outcome of right-wing scapegoating.

Reimagining Justice for Immigrant Survivors Through VAWA
The Violence Against Women Act implicitly recognizes the imbalance of power in mixed-status interactions.

The US’s Immigration Crackdown Began Decades Ago Under Clinton
To stop Trump's crackdown, we must repeal immigration laws from 1996.

Inspector Paints a Rosy Picture of Migrant Jails in Contrast to Audits
The Nakamoto Group has rarely reported bad news about conditions at the for-profit and government-run jails it audits.

ICE Contracts Are Booming. See Which Vendors Are in Your State.
Companies and vendors have made over $12.7 billion from contracts with ICE since 2010.