
With Steel or Surveillance, Biden May Fill “Gaps” in Trump’s Border Wall
Whether the new barrier will be physical or technological, families along the border can only guess.

Reunification Stories Gloss Over Continuing Family Separation and Deportation
The rhetoric about asylum seekers may have changed under Biden, but the policies leading to separations, not so much.

Homeland Security Tells ICE to Cut Ties With Jail That Sicced Dogs on Migrants
ICE was also ordered to end its contract with a county jail accused of performing forced hysterectomies on migrants.

Biden’s First Immigration Court Picks Are All Judges Selected Under Trump
The judges, who decide whether to deport migrants, all received conditional offers under the previous administration.

Biden’s U-Turn on Refugees Aligns With Voter Support for Pro-Immigrant Policies
Biden bowed to pressure from his own voter base three weeks after initially resolving to keep the Trump-era refugee cap.

DHS Touts Reuniting Just 4 of More Than 1,000 Separated Migrant Families
The process of reuniting families, a campaign promise made by Biden, has been a slow one, critics maintain.

Climate Change Is a Driving Force in Central American Migration
A new report finds that the climate crisis is already a driver in migration from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

Biden Breaks Promise on Refugee Resettlement, Imposing Trump’s “Draconian” Cap
Democratic aides are accusing Biden of prolonging Trump’s cruel refugee policies due to fears about “optics.”

Border Wall Construction May Continue as Biden Is Pushed to Permanently Scrap It
The White House has not yet asked Congress to revoke the project's funding as of this week.

Biden’s Policies Won’t Address the Roots of the Migrant Crisis — They’ll Fuel It
Activists say Biden must reverse decades of U.S. foreign policy in Central America in order to stop the exodus.