
Customs and Border Protection Is Caging Migrants Outdoors Amid Heat Wave
The Intercept's Ryan Devereaux saw about 50 migrants being held inside a chain-link pen in the southern Arizona desert.

Mexico’s Migrant Shelters Are Operating at 900% Capacity Due to US Border Policy
The end of Title 42 obscures a harsh reality: New policies have created a dangerous limbo for migrants in Mexico.

Abbott’s Billion-Dollar Barrier Barrels Forward
Texas’ border wall is raising concerns about wildlife, public thrift and property rights.

House Passes “Hateful” Bill to Defund Schools That Give Asylum Seekers Shelter
The bill targets two top scapegoats for the Republican Party: public schools and asylum seekers.

Reforms Have Failed to Prevent Sexual Abuse in ICE Jails, Report Reveals
Reporting by Futuro Investigates and Latino USA found officials are not properly addressing detainees' complaints.

Victims of Migrant Boat Tragedy Are Casualties of the US “War on Terror”
It’s hard to disentangle the U.S.’s military interventions from the reasons so many of the migrants made their journeys.

Texas State Troopers Were Reportedly Told to Push Migrant Kids Into Rio Grande
Gov. Greg Abbott's border militarization initiative is leading officers to take deadly actions against asylum seekers.

Water Stations for Migrants at the Border Are Being Destroyed Amid Heat Waves
Migrant deterrence policies are inhumane and ineffective, says Texas-based human rights activist Eddie Canales.

Greek Coast Guard Tried to Cover Up Role in Migrant Shipwreck, Analysis Says
The investigation suggested that the Greek coast guard's efforts to tow the ship may have caused it to capsize.

DeSantis’s Election Strategy? Competing With Trump to Be Crueler to Migrants.
DeSantis and Trump's efforts to outdo each other on anti-immigrant rhetoric could stoke racist violence, critics warn.