
Jose Antonio Vargas: GOP Debate on Immigration Marked by Misinformation and Lack of Empathy
Florida Senator Marco Rubio went on the offensive against Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

The Empire’s War on the Border
Why are there thousands of bodies on the US Mexico border?

North Carolina High Schoolers Could Be Deported to “Certain Death,” Despite Teacher and School Board Opposition
The administration of Durham Public Schools in North Carolina unanimously passed a resolution condemning the arrests and intended deportations of its students.

US Refugee Crisis Raises Grave Human Rights Concerns
Despite having initially proclaimed a surge of refugees into the US a “humanitarian crisis,” President Obama has repeatedly made clear that he does not think Central American children qualified …

Despite Stated Aims, Obama’s New ICE Policy Targets Immigrants for Minor Offenses
So far in 2016, hundreds of people have been rounded up in ICE raids, following a shift in US immigration policies.

All the News That’s Fit to Print: How the Media Hide Undocumented Workers
The system connects some of the most intimate aspects of our daily lives with workers whose very existence is then erased or demonized in the public sphere.

Taking the Bite Out of Government Watchdogs
The Sentinel team takes a close look at the Flint water crisis, an immigration case, workers' rights and the federal inspector general.

Interview With Noam Chomsky: Is European Integration Unraveling?
Scholar Noam Chomsky offers his insights on Europe's migration and refugee crisis and the ongoing financial crisis in Greece.

Sickened by Gangrene in Utah Immigration Jail, Guatemalan Father Now Faces Deportation
Angel Rosa is recovering from a gangrene infection, which he says began while he was held in a detention center in Utah.

Immigrant Advocates Take Action Following Deportation Raids in the South
Immigrant advocates sharply criticized the decision to conduct raids on vulnerable women and deport them back to the dangerous countries they fled.