
Immigrant Communities Battle New Anti-Sanctuary-City Bills in Red States
Republican legislatures are moving to withhold funds from cities that refuse to cooperate with immigration authorities.

Striking Against Islamophobia: A Conversation with Bhairavi Desai from the New York Taxi Workers Alliance
Sarah Jaffe interviews Bhairavi Desai, executive director of the New York Taxi Worker's Alliance.

Seventy Activists Arrested While Calling for Ohio University to Be a Sanctuary Campus
Despite arrests and threats of additional punishment, local activists are not backing down.

Trump’s Muslim Ban and the Challenge of the Left Today
Trump's Muslim ban is a step toward authoritarian transnational capitalism and must be fought in its global context.

Court Refuses to Reinstate Trump’s Muslim Ban, Says “No Evidence” of Attacks From Seven Listed Countries
In a major victory for civil rights advocates, the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has unanimously refused to reinstate Donald Trumpu2019s executive order.

DHS Secretary Defends Executive Orders Before Congress
Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly appeared before House to face questions about a number of Trump's executive orders.

Two Pennsylvania University Presidents Hypocritically Endorse DACA, While Rejecting Sanctuary Campus Status
Two of Pennsylvania's biggest universities are playing both sides, endorsing DACA but rejecting the sanctuary campus designation.

Rising Resistance to Trump on Immigration
A grassroots rebellion against Trump's anti-immigration policies is taking shape across the country.

Trump’s Wall Would Also Be Terrible for the Environment
A concrete wall along the border would obstruct important wildlife migration routes for animals.

Sanctuary Means Resisting the Muslim Ban: A Call to People of Faith
It's time for the white Christians whom Trump is claiming to “protect” to stand up and say, “Not in our name!”