Health Care
Will Obamacare Marketplaces Suffer as Open Enrollment Begins?
Support from readers allows Truthout to produce the authority-challenging journalism that's going to be imperative in the years to come. Click here now to support this work! The Trump …
One Nation, in Sickness and in Health
Time and again, “repeal and replace” has proven to be a farce.
Maine Ballot Campaign Proposes Taxing the Wealthy to Pay for Universal Home Care
Activists in Maine are mobilizing for in-home services funding.
Stunner on Birth Control: Trump’s Moral Exemption Is Geared to Two Groups
What's the difference between religious beliefs and moral convictions?
Tax Cuts for the Rich, Paid for With Your Health Care
"Tax reformu201d would have the same result as health care repeal.
Your Boss Shouldn’t Get to Have “Religious” Objections to Your Health Care
Expanding “corporate citizen” rights into health care could ultimately affect everybody.
Congress Uses Las Vegas Massacre to Push Abortion Ban
House Republicans said the Las Vegas massacre compelled them to vote on the bill.
Association Health Plans: A Favorite GOP Approach to Coverage Poised for Comeback
The Trump administration is considering changes to the rules surrounding these plans.
Dutch Collective Provides Gift-Based Health Insurance for Freelancers
Broodfonds is an alternative kind of disability insurance that can replace lost income for freelancers.
Democrats Jump on Medicare for All Bandwagon, but Are They Sincere?
Pressure on Democrats has to be maintained.