Health Care
Years of Austerity Weakened the Public Health Response to Coronavirus
Thanks to budget cuts, public health departments nationwide have eliminated 50,000 positions since 2008.
The Senate Must Pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
The multibillion-dollar bill includes important provisions that will save lives as the pandemic unfolds.
Profit Motives Are Fueling Mask Shortages at Hospitals
The prospect of sharing supplies is where the business of health care makes cooperation hard even in a crisis.
Trump Administration Seeks Exclusive Rights to Potential Coronavirus Vaccine
The administration has refused to vow that any COVID-19 vaccine will be affordable for all.
We Have to Stop Comparing the New Coronavirus to the Flu
COVID-19 is deadlier than the flu for both young and older adults.
US Lags on Coronavirus Testing and Medical Experts Warn “No One Is Immune”
The Trump administration has failed to account for what may be thousands of infections.
The FDA Is Forcing the CDC to Waste Time Double Testing Some Coronavirus Cases
The FDA could change its rules to speed things up, but hasn’t.
Trump Is Treating Coronavirus Like a PR Problem, Not a Health Crisis
Unfortunately for the president, COVID-19 is proving stubbornly resistant to alternative facts.
Trump Promised No Coronavirus Treatment Copays. Insurers Say That’s Not True.
For those who test positive for coronavirus, any treatment will still come at a potentially massive cost.
Coronavirus Will Spread Faster Because We Lack Universal Health Care
Under the U.S.’s for-profit health system, the epidemic is not being treated like the public emergency it is.