Health Care

We Spend More Than $50 Billion a Year on Pets, but Aid to the Poor Keeps Getting Cut
While discussion of poverty has been lacking since President Reagan railed that the poor were responsible for their own plight, new signs of concern and fresh thinking have emerged, …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Living in Poverty Affects More Than a Person’s Physical Health, and More
In today's On the News segment:President Obama announced that he will ask Congress for authorization for a military strike in Syria; Harvard scientists found that the constant strain of …

Understanding the Right’s “Obamacare” Obsession
The hard-right is taking a scorched-earth approach, obstructing the law's implementation by any means necessary.

Economic Update: Economics and Health
Update on intern's death in London, austerity and suicide, over-prescribing anti-depressants, cutting health benefits, and laying off mortgage workers at Wells Fargo.

Abracadabra, You’re a Part-Timer: How Corporate America Used the Great Recession to Turn Good Jobs Into Bad Ones
demystify the sleight-of-hand by which good jobs were transformed into bad jobs, full-time workers with benefits into freelancers with nothing, during the dark days of the Great Recession.

Where’s the Outrage Over Our Failed Health Care System?
What we are witnessing is a massive failure of public policy that is not permitted in any other wealthy country.

Detroit Residents on Bankruptcy – We Have No Democracy!
More than half of Michigan's 1.4 million black residents now live under rule by unelected emergency managers.

ALEC’s Attempts to Thwart Obamacare
Wendell Potter is interviewed about ALECu2019s efforts to influence the health care debate.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Another Key Provision of Obamacare Meant to Protect Consumers Is Being Delayed, and More
In today's On the News segment: The Obama Administration is holding off on instituting out-of-pocket expense limits; North Carolina's Republican Governor Pat McCrory signed our nation's most restrictive voter …

When a Political Party Goes Off the Deep End
Paul Krugman: The madness of the GOP is the central issue of our time.