In major cities across our nation, the range of prices for similar or the same medical procedures looks more like the ups and downs in the wildly volatile stock …
From Californiau2019s Proposition 37 initiative to New York Cityu2019s soda ban, journalist and best-selling author Michael Pollan argues that local efforts hold the key to challenging the agricultural industryu2019s …
New scientific research has cast grave doubt on the safety testing of hundreds of thousands of consumer products, food additives and industrial chemicals.
Dr. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese: Obama care will not put an end to medical bankruptcies - 80 percent of people going bankrupt due to healthcare costs had insurance.
Doctor of Oriental medicine E. Douglas Kihn argues that the squeezing of the American worker, starting under the Reagan Administration, has created a worried, hurried population succumbing to
On Earth Day, a new alternative government, the Green Shadow Cabinet, was announced. Its over 80 members are leaders in their fields, from medicine to art to activism, and …
While drug companies have been largely able to get away with robbing Americans left and right for the past several decades, more and more people are speaking up about …