Health Care

Imagine: If Mayor de Blasio Really Were a Socialist
Conner and Smith propose health care, housing and education for all in a real socialist agenda for a real socialist mayor of New York City.

Americans Are Paying for Health Care With More Than Money
Not only do we pay more, but we pay in far more ways than any other country.

Scientists Link Spike in Thyroid Disease to Fukushima Disaster
Nuclear expert and researcher Joseph Mangano explains his research in connecting the increase of hyperthyroidism in newborns on the West coast to the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The Affordable Care Act is Not Socialism
How did it happen that we are allowing the conservatives to label The Affordable Care Act socialized medicine and/or socialism?

Rising Caseload, Fewer Labor Department Judges Triggers Painful Mix for Suffering Laborers
It's been a trying year for James Sawyer, who had two ruined lungs replaced in the space of seven months. Mounting medical expenses only add to his stress.

“Let the Crime Spree Begin”: How Fraud Flourishes in Medicare’s Drug Plan
Medicare's massive drug program has a process so convoluted and poorly managed that fraud flourishes, giving rise to elaborate schemes that quickly siphon away millions of dollars.

The Growth of Catholic Hospitals, by the Numbers
The past few years have been a period of unprecedented turmoil for the hospital industry. Now, a new report confirms that Catholic hospitals are emerging as one of the …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Three Days After Christmas, 1.3 Million Americans Will Lose Their Unemployment Benefits, and More
Three days after Christmas, 1.3 million Americans will lose their unemployment benefits, and more.

Sanders Commits to Hearings on His Single Payer Bill, Says Vermont Single Payer Waiver Unlikely to Be Denied
At constituent dinner, Sanders commits to hearings for single payer, says Vermont's single payer waiver unlikely to be denied.

Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals Found in Water at Fracking Sites
A study of hydraulic fracturing sites in Colorado finds substances that have been linked to infertility, birth defects and cancer.