Health Care

Seeking Medical Care Can Be a Minefield for Trans Individuals
The lack of understanding of trans identity, gender presentation and the community's needs creates barriers to healthcare on every level.

The Silent Crisis of Aging
Our society is plagued by a crisis of aging that is weakening, infecting and killing hundreds of millions of us every year.

A Lion, a Dentist and the Rising Cost of Care
The problem with health costs is the fact that we don't treat health care like an ordinary consumer good.

William Rivers Pitt | Dr. Kelsey and the Children: A Woman Who Changed the World
Dr. Kelsey died last week at the age of 101 years old.

Alabama Case Illustrates Difficulties Women Behind Bars Face When Seeking Abortion
Administrators around the country have often thrown up barriers to abortion access.

Did the SCOTUS Obamacare Ruling Open the Door for a Single-Payer System?
Opponents' efforts to stop Obamacare has led to its consolidation with the federal government.

Happy 50th Birthday, Medicare! Next Steps in the Fight for Universal Health Care
We still need a single-payer health program. We have to go beyond the Affordable Care Act.

How Women Contribute $3 Trillion to Global Health Care
The conversation around women and healthcare usually revolves around their needs, but women are important providers globally.

As Marginalized Communities Face Dearth of Trauma Care, Activists Step in to Fight for Survival
Protesters fight for communities of color, which lose lives awaiting trauma care that is slow to come.

Widespread Public Support Bolsters Bill to End Restrictions on Abortion Coverage
The EACH Woman Act would nullify existing abortion bans and prevent future blocks to access for low-income women.