Health Care

Connecting Pediatricians to Local Anti-Poverty Resources Can Improve Child Health
Students at UNC created a health toolkit to address the increasing childhood poverty in North Carolina.

SCOTUS Steps in to Prevent Further Texas Abortion Clinic Closures
A ruling would have shuttered all but nine abortion clinics.

Justice Delivered: A Week That Changed a Nation
“It feels as if the Earth I thought I knew tilted a tiny bit on its axis last week.”

Our 18th Century Bill of Rights Needs Revising
While European countries have updated their constitutions to include economic, social and cultural rights, the US has lagged behind.

Obamacare Subsidies Survive Supreme Court Ruling
The court announced that the government may continue to subsidize insurance plans for all people.

Medicare at 50: Strengths to Build On
Traditional Medicare turns 50 on July 30, having had many challenges and achievements from the days of its passage to today.

The Dignity of Living: The US’s Home Care Aides
In this Equal Voice News report, meet Christal Boutte, a Seattle woman who is among 3.5 million home caregivers.

Commentary: For-Profit Hospitals Mark Up Prices Because There’s Nothing to Stop Them
Of the 50 US hospitals that mark up prices the most, 49 of them are part of for-profit hospital chains.

Privatized Medicaid Managed Care: Yet Another Health Policy Disaster
These are some of the less publicized downsides of how the ACA actually works within privatized Medicaid programs.

Left in the Brain: Potentially Toxic Residue From MRI Drugs
Researchers raise alarms about unknown health risks of GE's Omniscan and Bayer's Magnevist, drugs injected to get better MRI pictures that contain the heavy metal gadolinium.