Health Care
Is the Doctor In? Why Leonard Peltier and Other Aging Prisoners Lack Adequate Medical Care
The continued incarceration of aging prisoners costs too much, doesn't serve justice and doesn't protect the public.
Growing Support for a National Health Program and Health Care as a Human Right
It appears that political feasibility for national health insurance may finally be approaching a time of acceptance.
The Cavity in Health Insurance Coverage: Oral Health
The absence of comprehensive dental care exacts a toll on millions of Americans in terms of poor health, pain and the social stigma associated with bad teeth.
Dean Baker | Scamming US Veterans: Efforts to Privatize Veterans Administration’s Health System
Right-wing groups are inventing scandals around Veteran Administration's hospitals in order to advance an agenda of privatizing the system.
Let’s Demand the CDC Do More to Address Lead Poisoning and Lyme Disease
Like the water contamination crisis in the US, Lyme disease deserves attention from the CDC and presidential candidates.
Could Sanders’ Social Justice Ideas Really Work? Take a Look at These Places
In his new film, Michael Moore shows us what free college and healthcare looks like.
Highlights of Luntz Poll of US CEOs Show Broad Support for Progressive Policies
Top CEOs have empathy. Low healthcare costs for employees is at the forefront.
Neoliberal Economists: Against Bernie Sanders and Common Sense
A small tax on financial transactions could easily cover the costs of a single-payer health care system.
Epidemic of Premature Births Is Increasingly Linked to Air Pollution
Nearly 16,000 preterm births a year are linked to fine particulate pollution, costing the US $4.33 billion annually.
Koch Brothers Attempt to Kill Single-Payer Health Care in Colorado
Those working to pass a public, universal health care system in Colorado are facing stiff opposition from Koch-funded groups.