Health Care
As Aging Population Increases, Elders and Allies Fight for Social Supports
Elders and advocates are mobilizing on several fronts for comprehensive social support reforms for aging Americans.
Obamacare Premiums Are Set to Increase Steeply Next Year
While the Affordable Care Act has cut the rate of uninsured Americans, it has not managed to bring down insurance prices.
The Unintended Consequences of Electronic Health Records
Billing codes need to be reduced to rational and meaningful levels.
Reproductive Rights Activists in Poland Prepare to Fight New Abortion Ban Proposals
It seems that the storm isn't over just yet in Poland.
Gap Insurance for Deductibles: The Insurance Industry’s Latest Profiteering Ploy
As healthcare costs rise, the insurance industry is getting creative in finding revenue streams to cover gaps in coverage.
Secrets in Plain View: Obamacare Is Working
It's important to recognize the progress the ACA has brought and that we can make much more progress by building on its success.
Time to End 40 Years of Class Discrimination on Abortion
Many people still don't know how deeply the Hyde Amendment abortion coverage bans are harming women and communities.
On Policy, It’s No Contest. Clinton: 112,735 Words, Trump: 9,000
On many fronts, Trump is literally offering nothing.
States That Fail to Expand Medicaid Need to Get in the Game
According to a new report, marketplace premiums are substantially higher in states that failed to expand Medicaid.
Is the US Public Ready for Single-Payer National Health Insurance?
Health care reform has become a top-down issue — corporate profits and oligarchy vs. democracy and the public interest.