Gun Violence

Violence is Deeply Rooted in American Culture: An Interview With Henry A. Giroux
In the aftermath of a public and tragic mass shooting, statistics alone does not explain the spectacle of mass violence in America. Henry Giroux explains why.

Obama Unveils Plan to Curb Gun Violence, Asks Congress to Ban Assault Weapons
Plan includes 23 executive orders and closing background check loopholes.

Protecting Guns, Sacrificing (Some) Children
Given the amount of children who day every year from gun violence, the question remains, how much longer will we value firearms over lives?

Copyright Universal UClick.

We Have Become Death
As violence and mayhem have become the main source of entertainment for youth today, we have become a nation that is literally killing itself day by day.

Massacre of the Week
As New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said after the Aurora, Colorado massacre: u201cthis cannot continue.u201d But it is u00adand gun violence in America will no doubt go on …

Massacre of the Week
As New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said after the Aurora, Colorado massacre: u201cthis cannot continue.u201d But it is u00adand gun violence in America will no doubt go on …

As Aurora Holds the Nation’s Attention, Police Shootings Are a Daily Routine
Welcome to the abattoir that is American society.