Advocates Celebrate Settlement That Sets Limits on Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Law
But restrictions remain on how LGBTQ teachers can interact with their students, and more legal fights are underway.
21 Anti-LGBTQ Bills Die in Florida
Not every bill was defeated in the state, which still has some of the harshest anti-transgender laws in the nation.
Florida Budgets $558,000 to Surveil Immigrants When They Go to the Doctor
Florida’s anti-immigrant law is pushing scared patients to forgo medical treatment — including pregnant women.
Farmworker Festival Dials Up Pressure on Wendy’s Billionaire Chairman
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers gathers in Florida to celebrate its achievements -- and push to expand protections.
Federal Appeals Court Calls Florida’s “Stop WOKE Act” a “First Amendment Sin”
“[The law] penalizes certain viewpoints — the greatest First Amendment sin,” the appeals panel said.
Florida Suspends “Fetal Personhood” Bill After Alabama’s IVF Ruling
Public backlash over the ruling spurred Republicans to backpedal as they claim to support in vitro fertilization.
Florida Officials Cut Sociology as Core College Class in War on Critical Thought
Sociology educators say the discipline is a right-wing target because it challenges students to question the status quo.
Florida Defies CDC, Sides With Anti-Vax Parents Amid School Measles Outbreak
“This is not a parental rights issue,” said Florida’s former surgeon general. “It’s about protecting fellow classmates."
New Florida Bill Could Force Unhoused People Into Encampments
The bill would prohibit cities from allowing unhoused people to sleep or camp on public property and rights of way.
Florida Activists Protest Anti-Transgender Policy, Organize Die-Ins Outside DMVs
“This protest may appear bleak, but it’s rooted in REALITY,” the Youth Action Fund said