
Big Tobacco Won’t Cave Easily to the Menthol Ban
In the interest of public health, especially of teenagers, regulators should not back down.

Antibiotics Still Used Excessively on US Farms Despite Superbug Crisis
New rules were supposed to curtail use of antibiotics in farm animals, but major companies continue to overuse them.

Big Pharma Cozies Up to Trump as He Moves to Lower Drug Prices
Big pharma is blaming others in the drug supply chain while pushing policies to protect its own bottom line.

FDA Repays Industry by Rushing Risky Drugs to Market
The agency is fast-tracking expensive drugs with significant side effects and inconclusive evidence.

Drug Shortages Pose a Public Health Crisis in the US
Drug shortages endanger lives and increase health care costs.

Why Is the FDA Banning Kratom?
The FDA's dangerously unscientific decision will do nothing whatsoever to stop America's opioid crisis.

Trump’s Plan for Drug Pricing Executive Order Is a Big Pharma Wish List
Trump's planned executive order on drug pricing goes out of its way to end existing discounts to low-income people.

Reverse Advertising: Graphic Warning Labels Show the Sinister Side of Products
What if everything we bought came with a graphic warning label about its impact on life, society and the environment?

Many Household Products Contain Antimicrobial Chemicals Banned From Soaps by the FDA
We need to know what chemicals are in products.

Faster Approval for Drugs and Medical Devices Raises Concerns for Patient Safety
The 21st Century Cures Act speeds up regulatory review and approves drugs and medical devices.