Is Donald Trump a Sign That Fascism Is on the Rise in the US?
Henry A. Giroux says that Trump's call to respond to dissent with violence is encouraging an atmosphere of “Neo-facism.”
Henry A. Giroux on the Neo-Fascism of the Law-and-Order Candidate
Henry Giroux comments on the rise of neo-fascism in America and its link to a culture of fear, white supremacy and the expanding racist incarceration state.
Why Calls for “Unity” Are Not Enough: Look at the 1930s and 1940s
The parallels between the two eras aren't perfect, but today's political climate is strikingly similar to the late 1930s.
Economic Update: Economic Crisis, Fascism and History
This episode discusses inequality in India, and more.
Henry A. Giroux | White Supremacy and Sanctioned Violence in the Age of Donald Trump
Trump's ideology of fear and violence must be countered with a collective movement for real justice and democracy.
William Rivers Pitt | “I Alone”: Trump’s Megalomania on Cold Display
Donald Trump's bigotry-driven, ego-driven campaign might win in November. A lit cigarette is healthier.
Facing Down Trump’s Demagoguery: Lessons From Weimar Germany
Only a universalized resistance across a united progressive front will be able to stand up to right-wing populism.
Henry A. Giroux: Trump and the Fascistization of the United States (Part One)
Scholar Henry Giroux tells Paul Jay that Donald Trump is not an eccentric populist, but the representative of a neofascist.
Who Should We Blame for Brexit — and Where Do We Go From Here?
The UK's mainstream political parties, the media and the European Union itself all share some responsibility for this outcome, which will embolden far-right nativist groups.
Donald Trump and the Rise of the Far Right on Both Sides of the Atlantic
On both sides of the pond, traditional conservatism is being challenged by a new fascistic politic.