
Farmers Fight a Hazardous Carbon-Capture Pipeline in Rural Midwest
Opposition has delayed the project, but recent approval by Iowa officials has breathed new life into the undertaking.

Air Pollution From Livestock and Fertilizers Kills Nearly 18,000 People Yearly
A new report says nearly 18,000 people are killed by air pollutants generated from animal waste and fertilizer overuse.

Utah’s Ag Gag Law Is Declared Unconstitutional
A federal judge has ruled Utah's law making it illegal to film what happens at farms and slaughterhouses unconstitutional.

Foodies, Feds and Factory Farms: Why We Need Vegans Now More Than Ever
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has made it quite clear as well that every stage of livestock production contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

Small Farmers’ Loss of Land Increases World Hunger
The world is increasingly hungry because small farmers are losing access to farmland.

Realizations From Killing and Eating an Animal We Raised Ourselves
The way we used to source our meat had the same desensitizing effect that many people in our society have developed towards violence.

Food, Farms, Forests and Fracking: Connecting the Dots
Billion-dollar fossil fuel and agribusiness corporations have brought us to the brink of a global calamity.

Our Food System Is in Crisis Due to Technology Run Amok and Monopolizing Corporations
Monsanto may be perceived as the evil empire when it comes to food, but it is just the tip of the iceberg,