Far Right

Purdue’s President Takes Aim at the Left
Daniels has decided that the real enemy on the Purdue campus is left-wing activism.

Finland’s First Female President on Women’s Rights, Health Care and Rise of Far Right in Europe
Former president of Finland on the rise of the far right.

Henry A. Giroux | Trump’s Neo-Nazis and the Rise of Illiberal Democracy
Liberal democracy is losing its grip in the US.

The Largest Fascist Rally in Recent Memory Is Expected This Week — Can the Left Unite Against It?
When far-right organizers take over our cities even a tepid response from progressives would be consent.

Joshua Green on How Bannon’s Experience with Video Gamers Gave Rise to the Alt-Right
Journalist Joshua Green talks about how Steve Bannon used his experience in the video game industry to use Breitbart News to mobilize young, largely white men.

Islamophobia Is the Glue That Unites Diverse Factions of the Far Right
The left must understand how far-right groups are deploying Islamophobia as a means of unification and growth.

Justice Neil Gorsuch Ends First SCOTUS Term Voting Consistently on Court’s “Most Conservative Side”
Rewire legal analyst Jessica Mason Pieklo discusses how Neil Gorsuch emerged as one of the Supreme Court's most conservative justices.

Likely Coalition Partner for Floundering UK Conservative Party Sits on the Hard Right Fringe
Theresa May's new partner in government have strong historical links with Loyalist paramilitary groups.

Expect More Murders: Why the Radical Right Kills
With the demonizing narratives of the Trump administration, we should brace ourselves for more violence from the radical right.

The State of Capitalism — When and Why Will It End?
In this educational video, Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard Wolff, talks about capitalism's current and future state.