Billionaire-Funded Think Tanks Call for Pandemic Deregulation to Be Permanent
The right wing has quickly seized upon the coronavirus pandemic to accelerate its anti-government agenda under Trump.
Trump Plans to Gut Emission Rules for Oil, Gas Industry “Beyond Comprehension”
The EPA plans to eliminate federal regulation of methane emissions from oil and gas wells across the country.
Fossil Fuels Already Get Billions in Bailouts — They’re Called Subsidies
Each year, the U.S. spends about $20 billion subsidizing fossil fuel companies and $81 billion defending them abroad.
Trump’s EPA Is Unleashing the Pollution That Makes Us Vulnerable to COVID-19
The suspension of air pollution regulations threatens to further harm communities struggling to cope with the pandemic.
As US Reels From COVID-19, the PFAS Pollution Crisis Is Quietly Growing
Polluters in virtually every congressional district could be discharging PFAS in the absence of federal regulations.
Citing Coronavirus, EPA Suspends Environmental Rules Indefinitely
The EPA is using the global pandemic to create loopholes for destroying the environment.
White House Rewrites EPA Assessment of Chemical Linked to Fetal Heart Damage
EPA scientists found a toxic chemical damages fetal hearts. The Trump White House rewrote their assessment.
Refineries Are Spewing Cancer-Causing Benzene as Trump Slashes Enforcement
New federal rules require the worst offenders to clean up their acts, but enforcement has tumbled under Trump.
Virtually All Major US Drinking Water Sources Likely Contaminated With PFAS
Trump has pledged to veto legislation that would require the EPA to limit toxic chemicals in drinking water.
Rolling Back Water Rules Doesn’t Help Most Farmers — It’s for Big Polluters
Protections will be slashed for millions of miles of streams and about half of the wetlands in the U.S.