Why Johnny Can’t Read or Win Wars
Johnny isn't able to think critically - and that's the point of a corporate-business model of education.
Boots on Campus: Yale Flap Highlights Militarization of Academia
What can we do to stop the soft takeover of academia by the military?
The School Security America Doesn’t Need
Ending this cycle of armed fear and violence will require getting police out of the schools along with the whole battery of security state accessories.
Sequestration: What Do the Automatic Spending Cuts Mean for the Poor, Unemployed and Children?
The word of the month in Washington is
Arm Kids to Combat Propaganda: Teach Reason – the Fourth “R” – in the Classroom
Our children need sound thinking skills to reverse our mindless path of death and destruction.
The Secret Rise of 21st Century Democracy
We could learn from other countries and vastly improve our own democracy and economy.
Corporations Advise School Closings, While Private Charters Suck Public Schools Away
As charter proponents aim to cash in on major investment returns, Philly braces for a massive schools shakeup.
Obama Pushes Preschool for All Kids So They Don’t Start Out “a Step Behind“
President Obama proposes legislation that would expand free pre-kindergarten education for American children as an attempt to level the playing field for low income families.
EU Steers Adult Ed Toward Training, Away From Learning
The EU Agenda for Adult Learning, conceived within the context of its master concept of Lifelong Learning, is all about employability and not much about
Noam Chomsky “Public Education and The Common Good”
Noam Chomsky gives to us an eloquent perspective on the public education system.