Charter Schools, the Invisible Hand, and Gutless Political Leadership
The commitment to charter schools is a coward's way out of facing reality and doing something.
The High Road to 21st Century Economic Success
On the high road to the future, we would use government institutions to put people to work in support of the common good.
The Perils of Zombie Education
Defined by their appetite, the Zombies our education system is producing are hollow people, easily led - and easily misled.
Growing Concern Cuts to Toronto Youth Programs Will Bring “Summer of War”
Community leaders fear rise in gun violence will result from cuts to summer youth programs in Toronto's poor and under-serviced neighborhoods
Henry A. Giroux | Challenging Casino Capitalism and Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Disposability
There is by now an overwhelming catalogue of evidence revealing the depth and breadth of the corporate- and state-sponsored assaults being waged against democracy in the United States.
Carol Becker on Creative Leadership, Public Intellectuals and the Arts in Higher Education
In this interview, Carol Becker explains how she also views administrators within institutions such as universities as public intellectuals who can help empower and mobilize future generations of young …
The Politics of Calling for No Politics
Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer (HBO Documentaries, 2013) offers a window into the intersections of music, religion, and politics in the context of Vladimir Putin’s Russia: On Feb. 21, 2012, …
School Data Profiteering
A new nonprofit called inBloom will collect information from student records and provide third-party for-profit companies access to students' data.
Education in Iceland
Iceland is considering a rash of new education initiatives that would fundamentally alter power dynamics in the classroom.
Elizabeth Warren’s QE for Students: Populist Demagoguery or Economic Breakthrough?
Could Warren's bill represent the sort of game-changing thinking sorely needed to turn the economy around?