Billionaire Gets New Sports Arena in Bankrupt Detroit
The very week Michigan Governor Rick Snyder granted a state-appointed emergency manageru2019s request to declare the Motor City bankrupt, the Tea Party governor gave a big thumbs-up to a …
Citizens and Teachers Resist Massive Public School Closures in Philadelphia
Both students and parents are at a loss as to what will happen in September.
We’re Taxing the Rich … and So Can You
There is an alternative to austerity; its name is ‘progressive taxes.’
Public School Teachers: New Unions, New Alliances, New Politics
Teachers have begun to mount a counteroffensive against the debasement of their work and the torment of their students.
Chicago Fires More than 2,000 School Staff as Crippling Cuts Deepen
Austerity deepens in Chicago this year with the firing of more than 3,000 total school staff after closing 50 schools.
Henry A. Giroux | The Violence of Organized Forgetting
Henry Giroux: A war-like mentality makes it difficult to reclaim the language of social responsibility and civic engagement.
Cashing in on Kids: 139 ALEC Bills in 2013 Promote a Private, For-Profit Education Model
Programs to divert taxpayer money from public to private schools have spread across the country.
It’s College Students vs. the Corporate Machine – and the Machine’s Winning
Richard Eskow: The college revolution is everybody's revolution.
“The Breaking Point” – Sacrificing All for the Sake of Education
As the government continues to education to become more expensive, Anna Challet asks when does the sacrifice become too much.
Lorenzo Milani and the Quest for a Social Justice Education
Tuesday May 27, 2013 marked the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of an important European pedagogue whose writings provide insights for a critical social justice-oriented approach to education. Lorenzo …