Zapatista Communities Celebrate 20 Years of Self-Government
The Zapatistas are still running their own schools and hospitals, raising new generations, and carrying on a dialogue with the outside world that has enriched both sides.
Educational Network Erases Borders
Students, teachers and parents are building bridges between classrooms on both sides of the miles of Atlantic Ocean that separate them.
You Won’t Believe Who’s Teaching Children to LOVE Fracking!
Elementary school children are being taught how wonderful hydro-fracking is from the most outlandish source. If this doesn't infuriate you, nothing will.
On the Fourth Anniversary of the Haitian Earthquake My Family Survived: End the UN Occupation, End US Exploitation, and End Corporate Education Reform on Haiti!
Justice for Haiti will only begin to be achieved when US sweatshops are driven from the island and Haiti's wealth is used to meet the needs of Haitians, rather …
New Federal Guidelines Aimed at Stopping Explosion in Harsh School Discipline
Center stories revealed school police abuses, massive ticketing and disciplined kids kicked completely out of education.
Government’s Call for Less Police In School Doesn’t Go Far Enough
Student activist Tre Murphy: Eric Holder and Arne Duncan's call for less use of zero-tolerance policies is a good start but much work remains to reign in the use …
Open Letter to College and University Presidents Re: Global Security 101
Since the onset of the Nuclear Age our powerful technologies, developed by human ingenuity, have put our societies and humanity itself at grave risk.
Pentagon Data on Student Testing Program Rife With Errors and Contradictions
Student privacy compromised by massive program.
Will New York City Lead the Way on Pre-K?
The outlook for Mayor de Blasiou2019s signature initiative just got a whole lot brighter.
Tired of Talking About the American Studies Boycott
Ever since the American Studies Association had the nerve to decide through a democratic vote that it would impose an academic boycott on Israel, the news media has been …