Drinking Water

East Chicago’s Pleas for Clean Drinking Water Go Unanswered as Trump Moves to Weaken EPA
The White House's budget cuts would seriously weaken protections for low-income people of color.

Scott Pruitt’s First Big Test at EPA: Flint-Style Lead Contamination in Indiana
Will Scott Pruitt keep the promise he made after the emergence of the crisis in Flint, Michigan?

Are the EPA’s Emergency Radiation Limits a Cover for Fukushima Fumbles?
Why are the new radiation limits for a nuclear emergency set thousands of times higher than allowed by federal law?

Three Activist Victories That Flew Under the Radar Over the Holidays
Here's some recent news from the world of social justice that received little attention as the nation paused to observe the winter holidays.

Obama’s Grand Finale on Fracking Is Too Little, Too Late
The EPA's report linking fracking to water contamination reminds us that we can't rely on the government to protect us.

Drugs in the Drinking Water? Don’t Ask and Officials Won’t Tell
Drugs and chemicals in the drinking water are a huge, underreported problem which officials are barely addressing.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Drinking Water Polluted for Thousands of Ohians and Canadians, and More
A farmer decides to use an abandoned prison to grow pot, and more.

Dirty, Pricey, and Obsolete: Why Desalination Is Not Worth Its Salt
Efforts to curb the consumption of water are getting great results and making expensive desalination plants obsolete.