Donald Trump

“Give Us the Names”: Strange Days at the Department of Energy
The Trump team's request for climate scientists' names echoes some ominous chapters of history.

The Inadequate and Shoddy Debate Over Health Care
What does the recent election cycle portend for health care in America? Nothing good.

Henry A. Giroux | War Culture, Militarism and Racist Violence Under Trump
War has been redefined in the age of global capitalism — war culture now shapes all aspects of society.

Trump, Carrier and Corporate Welfare
Corporate welfare has been a bipartisan boondoggle for decades — at the expense of workers and communities.

Digital Redlining: How Internet Service Providers Promote Poverty
Trump has threatened to raze recent FCC decisions on net neutrality and its associated privacy regulations.

Rex Tillerson and Exxon Spent Big on Climate Change Denial While Misleading Public, Evidence Shows
Exxon's Rex Tillerson is Donald Trump's likely choice to be America's top diplomat as Secretary of State,

Don’t Certify Electors and Electoral College Vote Without Full Recount
The American people deserve to know that the outcome of this election is actually valid.

What’s Next for US-Russia Relations? Stephen Cohen and Ken Roth on Trump, Hacking and Tillerson
Here is a broader look at US-Russian relations in the wake of Donald Trump's election.

McConnell Won’t Say if Tillerson Can Be Confirmed as Secretary of State
Tea leaves in the Senate suggest it could be an uphill battle to get Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson confirmed.

Recharging the Batteries of Whiteness: Trump’s New Racial Identity Politics
Trump has built on Republican white supremacy politics and stoked a narrative of white victimhood.